Leadership Lessons That Work

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How would you like to learn?*

As a manager, it is your job to get work done through others. You may have been placed in the supervisory role because of your technical expertise, but your role is no longer that of the individual contributor. Success as a manager comes from knowing how to align the team to organizational objectives and keep them motivated and focused. It is dependent on one’s ability to: set clear expectations, provide productive feedback, motivate the team, influence team behavior and delegate. Activities such as strategic planning and competitive analysis consume about two percent or three percent of middle management’s time and represent 90 percent of the training received. The vast majority of what managers do relates to interpersonal skills and ensuring that work gets done on time and correctly; in other words, on management rather than strategy. No matter what level of manager you are, you need to learn the tools and tricks of how to “manage others.” This is the course for you (and probably your boss, too).

Course Description:

This 4-day course provides a solid grounding in the core disciplines of management. The emphasis is not on planning, but rather on the skills necessary to put a plan into action. Application activities provide robust experiences in each of the topic areas including leadership, communication, delegation, motivation, building teams and aligning teams to goals. Class discussions and exercises on these scenarios allow students to dissect and apply relevant skills in a real world setting.

Topics List:

  • Communication
  • Delegation
  • Motivation
  • BRIA model for effective feedback
  • Conflict resolution
  • Managing difficult people
  • Multigenerational management
  • Effective teams
  • Remote teams
  • Aligning teams to strategy
  • Coaching

Please contact us for a detailed course outline.
