Business Introduction to the Cloud

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Course Description:

Business Introduction to Cloud course covers knowledge and understanding of the main cloud computing principles and concepts. Topics include: characteristics of cloud services from a business perspective, the business value of cloud computing; technical perspective/cloud types; steps to successful adoption; impact and changes on IT service management.

The course will begin by first establishing the definition of cloud computing, then describing the various service delivery models of a cloud computing architecture and the ways in which clouds can be deployed as public, private, hybrid, and community model, followed by a review of the security and privacy issues specific to the cloud computing environment and a deep review of Cloud Service Models. The course also covers the Economics of Cloud Computing and the Cloud Risk Assessment.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, students will have a demonstrated understanding of:

● Identify and explore the latest business and technology trends in Cloud Computing IT governance concepts and benefits
● Understand the difference between Proprietary and Open Standard based Cloud Solution Relationship between stakeholder needs and governance
● Understand the importance of Open Standards and Interoperability
● Assess the potential of Open Source applied to Cloud Computing and explore its Business Model Components

Please contact us for a detailed course outline

